Browse the compendium

Compendium (noun): a summary or abridgment.

Click the icons to the right to check out a sampling of my work.

Photo © Sid Ceaser Photography

Greetings, and welcome to Words are my stock in trade, and I employ them in a variety of ways. Here you will find:

For what it’s worth, I also write an excellent obituary, having worked my way up in journalism starting with the night obit desk.

Take a look at my bio to get yourself oriented, then enjoy exploring my writing. Please feel free to share your thoughts via comments or my social media accounts.

And if you dig deep enough into my website, you might just find out why I’m burying a cooking pot in my front yard in the picture on the Columns icon. Here’s a hint: it’s not because I’m practicing the traditional method of making kimchi.

Happy reading!

– Teresa Santoski