Dealing with disappointment as a performer and a fan

Disappointment is an unfortunate reality in the entertainment industry for performers and fans alike. For performers, this may take the form of being passed over for a work opportunity they really wanted or being denied an award that they deserved. Both of these circumstances are also disappointing for fans, who want to see the performers they admire honored for their talents and given plenty of opportunities to use them.

The denial of an award to a performer can be particularly disheartening for fans in the East Asian entertainment industry, as many awards rely heavily on fan support through social media voting, online video streaming, and the digital or physical purchase of a performer’s music.

So what can be done with this disappointment, especially if, as a performer or a fan, you have prayed for a certain outcome and God has not answered your prayers as you expected? How do you process this and maintain a godly perspective in the midst of heartache?

First: Vent to God.

Talk to God honestly about how you feel about the situation. Are you angry? Tell Him that. Are you sad? Tell Him that, too. Are you confused? Ask Him for wisdom and understanding as to why things turned out the way they did (James 1:5).

Remember, God is the all-powerful Creator and sustainer of the universe. He’s big enough to handle your questions, your doubts, and your raw, messy emotions. Just ask Job, David, Jeremiah, and any number of individuals from the Bible.

Second: Remember that, just as things happen for a reason, things also do not happen for a reason.

God is sovereign in every circumstance, all the way down to the details, and He loves His children. He wants to give us good gifts (James 1:7; Matt. 7:9-11).  As such, if something that we really wanted to happen does not happen, we can trust that God has a greater purpose in those circumstances and something better in store for us (Prov. 3:5-6).

Third: Reflect on God’s faithfulness in the past and praise Him for what He has done thus far.

Remembering how God has worked in our lives in the past will remind us of His love for us and His willingness to come through for us in difficult situations. Thanking Him for what He has done will enable us to focus on Him rather than on our current circumstances as well as give us hope for the future and the plans He has for us (Jer. 29:11Lam. 3:22-23).

Fourth: Remember that disappointment isn’t permanent.

As it says in Psalm 30:5b, “weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” God will continue to fulfill His purposes for us and bring new (and better) opportunities into our lives in His perfect timing (Ps. 138:8a, ESV).

– Teresa Santoski

Looking for more godly encouragement geared specifically toward performers and fans? Check out Prayers for Oppa, my performer/fan devotional, which features prayers and Bible verses on Good Health, Performance Safety, Loneliness, and other topics of interest to performers and their fans. For more information, including a sample chapter and how/where to purchase, click  here.

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