Tag Archives: performers

What to do when you disagree with a performer’s work

It’s happened to most of us at one time or another. Your favorite performer releases their long-awaited new song, but instead of being elated, you find yourself feeling disappointed. Perhaps the song is a departure from their previous work and you just don’t care for the sound. Or maybe their new concept presents an image that’s a drastic change from how they previously presented themselves—from innocent to sexy, for example, or from cute to dark—and it makes you uncomfortable.

An internal conflict results. You still enjoy this performer and you’re looking forward to their future releases, but you don’t like their current work. What now? Continue reading


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Why it matters how performers use social media

South Korea experienced a national tragedy last month when the Sewol ferry sank. Of the 476 people who were on board the ferry, 276 have been confirmed dead. The majority of the passengers were students and teachers from Danwon High School in Ansan.

Performers in the South Korean entertainment industry took to their social media accounts, asking their fans to pray for those affected by the disaster and for the nation as a whole. As a result, thousands, if not millions, of people prayed. Continue reading

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Now in heavy rotation: Shadwell and Regina Spektor

When I’m in the early stages of writing and editing, listening to music often makes these parts of the creative process a little less daunting. These two songs have been in my rotation a lot these days, and I find myself listening to them even when I’m not working because I enjoy them just that much. Continue reading

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Bible verse translations for performers and fans

No matter what challenges we may face in our lives, the Bible has wisdom that will guide, comfort and help us. Sometimes, in order to understand how very explicitly God’s Word applies to our particular situations, we need a bit of translation assistance.

Following is a selection of Bible verses, followed by my translations to clarify how the verses apply to performers and their fans. Continue reading

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Three tips for writing the perfect fan letter

Many fans want to send letters to their favorite performers, but it can be difficult to know what to include in such a letter. Is it OK to confess if you have a crush on them? Should you tell them about your problems or your daily life? Can you ask them to do an event in your area? Continue reading

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